The Red Pill , what started as a mens cult referencing Neo’s pill from the matrix movie set its roots in some of the forums online starting with Reddit. The ideologies and narratives there continued to deeply change the psychology of men who associated themselves with it.
The sub reddit where the “Red Pillers” used to huddle, was geared towards finding an optimal sexual strategy with women, more often leading to the concept of plate spinning where one guy has a set of girls he is with at a given point of time, usually 2 - 4 girls dating non-exclusively.
The reason why the Red Pill is so attractive to the younger men like me who would have stumbled upon this to fix their dating problems is because it provides the promise of a solution, a path with some truth to it. It provides to find a group of men who are going through a similar situation and want to improve. The Red Pill also claims to only be a toolbox to be used to the advantage of the men, but more than a toolbox it’s a double edged sword to men.
According to the TRP(The Red Pill) theory, there are only 3 aspects that makes a woman attracted towards a man,
- Physical Appearance/Looks (Height and BF% being the primary attributes)
- Money/Wealth
- Game/Social Status
If one makes progress in any or all of the above three aspects, his success with women would gradually improve.
RedPill is a truth, Redill is NOT the solution
Some of the flaws of the Red Pill:
No Endgame
The RedPill has a very short sighted vision about love & relationships. It promotes promiscuity in men and deeply opposes the same in women. It doesn’t provdide a path to a family or having a complete life but focuses more on sexual appetite.
Outcome Dependent
At the core, the Red Pill is too focused on the outcome which is improving the odds at the sexual marketplace. On the other hand, people who were on a healthy self improvement path earlier in their life most probably naturally had more success in general.
Cannot unswallow it
Once you swallow the Red Pill and internalize it, there is no going back. Its a one way street that may leave you ending up hurt and resentful at the world. The only way to heal from it is selfless love and spirituality.
RedPill completely discards LOVE the most beautiful word in the universe. The reason for existence itself.
There is a lot of poliarized view on the topic as expected with anything about gender issues. The real underlying problem stems from not having real meaningful relationships with the opposite sex to begin with. This extrapolates into its subcultures like the Red Pill.
(Edit-1: 03/09/2021) Removed unnecessary explanations